About Us
Our flight mission is providing customer satisfaction through high quality, reliable video production systems in extreme mobile environments.
Aviation tourism is a specialised market. Your customers have very high expectations and wish to truly ‘live’ these incredible experiences. Throughout our extensive involvement in the avionics sector, the desire for tourism aviators to be able to capture and produce professional quality video footage quickly and efficiently has continually been highlighted.
A collaboration between respected aerospace and technology experts, Extreme Visionz was established in 2002. Our aim – to research and develop reliable and robust methods for tourism operators to optimize their product offering and generate revenue opportunities utilizing today’s evolving technology.
Providing the best quality products, highest level of personalized service and support, low cost to entry and continuing innovation is at the centre of everything we do.
In 2016 Extreme VisioNZ was purchased by Rugged Video, LLC to be co-branded as Rugged Video Oceania. Rugged Video has ushered in a new era of flight tour video. Introducing GPS automation and digital delivery and becoming one of the largest suppliers of Flight Tour Video equipment in the world. Rugged Video has streamlined the capture and delivery process of tour videos offering the potential to double operator revenues from onboard video.
Rugged Video will be continuing the Extreme VisioNZ brand as well as launching Rugged Video Oceania in March, 2016. The Extreme VisioNZ brand will be offering Rugged Video products and solutions, as well as any remaining Extreme VisioNZ inventory. The Extreme VisioNZ brand will serve customers in the southern pacific ocean including; Australia, New Zealand, Vanuatu, Micronesia, Fiji, and others in the Oceania Region.